Shipping Policy
Shipping within the U.S.A
Shipping fees are calculated at checkout.
Ground shipping to Alaska and Hawaii and express shipping to all 50 United States are available at carrier's rates based on weight and distance. Our website is linked to FedEx rate schedules so that you can check the fee for the shipping method you choose when you place your order and before you confirm it. We ship out of New York City, so we do not recommend opting for express shipping if your delivery address is in New York or a contiguous state: ground shipping will be as quick, and less expensive.
Shipping to Canada
Orders are shipped promptly after they are placed (no later than the next business day). We ship everywhere in the United States and Canada. We ship to Canada via USPS. Our website is linked to USPS rate schedules so that you can check the fee for the shipping method you choose when you place your order and before you confirm it.If you order from Canada, please note that the carrier will collect taxes due on imported goods from you. The good news is, most of our products (except for candies, chocolate and limonade) are exempted from GST/HST. Please note that some products cannot be shipped to Canada.
Chocolate Shipments
We do not ship chocolate during the hottest months to avoid you bad surprises at delivery. Please take your region's climate into account when ordering chocolate at other times of the year. We are sorry but we can bear no responsibility for melted chocolate.
General Shipping Policy
• Prices are subject to change without notice.
• Please place your order early to insure holiday delivery. Late orders can not be guaranteed.
• Please allow 2-10 business days for ground shipping. All items may not always ship together.
• The shipper will release the packages if the recipient is not home. Le Tablier Bleu will not be responsible for items delivered but not opened, packages released or packages that spoiled, stolen or destroyed by pets or animals. Please make sure someone will be there to accept the packages.
• Perishable items which are packed with ice packs are guaranteed to be fresh and should be inspected immediately upon arrival. All claims must be made within 24 hours of receipt. Do not discard any of the packaging if there is a problem. Contact our office immediately at order@letablierbleu.com.
• Credit will not be granted if items are discarded or partially consumed.
• We can only deliver to a street address. We cannot ship to P.O. Boxes, A.P.O's or F.P.O's.
• Le Tablier Bleu is not responsible for packages which are lost or spoiled due to incomplete or incorrect addresses. Please carefully check and confirm addresses before submitting your order. Be sure to include your apartment number, floor number, etc. UPS or other shipping companies are not responsible for address corrections or verification of address.
• Overnight packages are shipped Monday-Friday.